Centre for Energy

ACS2013 News

  • The combustion community in Australia is saddened by the death of beloved friend and colleague and, to many, a generous mentor, Professor R.E. Luxton FTSE, often known as “Sam”. Professor Dongke Zhang FTSE, ACS’2013 Chair, announces that a special session at the ACS 2013 will be dedicated to celebrating Sam’s fluid mechanics and combustion work and his wonderful life. Please refer to the attachment to the obituary for Sam.
  • We are pleased to announce that five eminent combustion researchers have kindly accepted the invitation to be the plenary speakers for ACS 2013: Special Plenary Speaker Professor Terry Wall AM FTSE; Bob Bilger Lecturer Professor John Abraham; and Plenary Speakers Professors Fei Qi, Jose Torero Cullen and Minghou Xu.
  • Professor Dongke Zhang FTSE, ACS2013 Chair, announces that the value of the "Terry Wall Best Student Paper Award" will be increased to $800 to encourage and recognise young researchers working on solid fuel combustion and related areas.
  • Professor Dongke Zhang FTSE, ACS2013 Chair, announces that 2 workshops will be held at the ACS 2013:

             -Workshop 1: Solid Fuels (Chair: Associate Professor Sankar Bhattacharya, Monash University)

             -Workshop 2: Frontiers and Progress in Flame, Spray and Engine Research (Chair: Professor Assaad Masri, The University of Sydney)


 The Proceedings of the ACS2013 is available:
