Centre for Energy


Contact details

If you have any questions about the ACS2013, please do not hesitate to contact us using the details below:

For enquiries related to paper submission please contact us at [email protected]

For enquiries related to registration please contact us at [email protected]

For any other enquiries please contact us at [email protected]

Terry Wall Best Student Paper Award:

The ACS13 will issue the inaugural Terry Wall Best Student Paper Award, valued at $800, to a student member of the Section who presents a paper on solid fuel combustion at the Australian Combustion Symposium. This perpetual Award has been derived from generous donations by Professor Dongke Zhang FTSE and Professor Terry Wall AM FTSE.

ACS Best Student Paper Prizes:

The Section’s traditional Best Student Paper Prizes will continue to be awarded to the best papers judged by the Section Committee and Session Chairs.
The winners of the last Best Student Paper Prize at ACS11 were Mr Mingming Zhu and Mr M.J. Blom.

Student Travel Grants:

In keeping with the Section’s tradition, postgraduate students who have registered for and have travelled more than 200 km to present a paper at the ACS13 will be offered $200 Student Travel Grants, provided that the applicants are enrolled at an Australian university and whose academic supervisors have also attended the ACS13.